среда, 5 сентября 2012 г.

Happy Birthday Annushka

photographer Anton Azev

9 комментариев:

  1. Happy birthday! :D:D

    Meanwhile, can I please ask you to check out this new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network where fashion bloggers come together to make this world a better place.

    You can join in the fun by participating in events organized by the Bloggers Against Social Injustice committee & also at the same time spread the words of such good cause.

    Play your part & help those unheard voice be heard. You are just a click away! :)

    Website: http://bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com
    Facebook: Click here for our Facebook
    Twitter: Click here for our Twitter

    I hope to see you there! :)
    Bloggers Against Social Injustice

  2. I wish you the happiest birthday ever! That this "new year" comes with a lot of dreams realizations, lots of joys and of course fabulousness! haha...save me a piece of pie ;)

    The Black Label
